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Our Community Partnerships

Valley Beautiful

Valley Beautiful began in 1964 as a small group of women dedicated to saving heritage oaks and other trees in the San Jacinto Valley. In the next three decades, proceeds from teas and plant sales funded countless trees and rose bushes for donation to local cities and schools, as well as scholarships for students interested in horticulture. Annual awards were given to businesses that enhanced the valley’s appearance with landscaping. Working with the Riverside County Board of Supervisors, Valley Beautiful was instrumental in the implementation of an ordinance requiring developers to plant trees, the publishing of a county tree planting guide, and designating the crepe myrtle as the official tree of the City of Hemet.


The San Jacinto Museum and the Santa Fe depot at State and Florida were given sizable donations. Today, Valley Beautiful promotes the use of “water wise” plants in landscaping. Recent and current projects include: re- landscaping the garden of the Estudillo Mansion and San Jacinto Museum (more information here) and refurbishing gardens at the Hemet Santa Fe Depot and the Ramona Bowl in Hemet.


Valley Beautiful members garden at the Hemet Santa Fe Depot Musem on the 3rdTuesday of each month from 9 am to 11 am.  Call for information, 951-658-7319 or 951-634-4952.


See the work that Valley Beautiful has done at the depot. Photos are at the bottom of this page.

Hemet City Library


San Jacinto Museum

The San Jacinto Museum is a monument to community support and initiative!
It was founded in 1939 by interested and enthusiastic citizens and kept open in 1978 by another generation of equally concerned citizens.


Visit the San Jacinto Museum web site.


Winchester Patterson House

The Patterson House was built in 1891 to replace a former adobe structure. The house measures 30 feet by 30 feet and is constructed of brick. The house is presently owned by The Winchester Historical Society of Pleasant Valley. The house is the oldest private residence still standing in what is now known as the community of Winchester.


Visit the Winchester Patterson House web site.



Fingerprints Youth Museum —  Interactive learning to promote educational experiences for children and accompanying adults.


Visit the Fingerprints Youth Museum web site.



Valley Beautiful's Landscaping Work at the Hemet Depot


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